Mag. phil. Michael Kirchdorfer
*13.04.1983 - †04.05.2023
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Das Schönste, was ein Mensch hinterlassen kann, ist ein Lächeln im Gesicht derjenigen, die an ihn denken.
(The most beautiful thing a person can leave behind is a smile on the faces of those who think of them.)
Lieber Michael,
die Zeit auf dieser Welt war viel zu kurz für dich.
Ich hätte dir mehr Zeit gewünscht, vor allem mit deinen Kindern die du so geliebt hast.
Ich weiß, dass du nicht religiös warst, deine Religion war die Kunst, die Literatur, die Musik.
Darum an dieser Stelle ein Zitat, welches dir vermutlich auch gefallen hätte:
Wenn du stirbst, bist du vollkommen glücklich und deine Seele lebt irgendwo weiter. Ich habe keine Angst zu sterben. Vollkommener Frieden nach dem Tod, jemand anderes zu werden ist die beste Hoffnung, die ich habe.
Kurt Cobain
Ich wünsche dir, dass du jetzt vollkommen glücklich bist und den vollkommenen Frieden hast.
Machs gut.
Lieber Michael, leider hast Du diese Welt viel zu früh verlassen. Ich hoffe Du findest Deinen Frieden wo Du jetzt bist. Jo
I was glad to have known Michael as someone who gave the best of himself as a father. My thoughts are with those who knew and loved him in the course of his short, creative life. I hope their fond, precious memories of him will comfort them in their heartbreak.
Cher Michael,
Repose en paix ,ta courte vie t'a fait souffrir mais t'a apporté aussi le plus grand bonheur :Ava et Eli .
De là où tu es ,protège-les et apporte à Morgane la force et le courage .
Nous ne pouvons être présents à Vienne mais ici aux Mazures dans cette belle nature nous partageons le recueillement de ceux qui t'accompagnent .
Avec toute notre tendresse.
Patricia et Bertrand
Dear Mishael
I would like you to be here
this is exactly what we all want ..
but it’s no longer possible
And it’s so hard... unfair
I Am devastated by this reality.
I hope you are in a quiet and gentle place where you no longer suffer and breathe more with your own special smile..
Death has no tongues and the soul has no boundaries.
Today fate has not allowed me to be with you and the children and Morgan ..
I’ll be there by thought.
I will go on the rock you were when you first came to Brittany ..
I will come, in the future, to visit you in the forest ..
I hope you ll like it.
Even if your soul travels and you are in a new safe place, a new enchanted world
I hope,
I really hope it’s wonderful ….
I hope you smile even if it’s a tragedy
I hope you have already found peace.
You were so in love with your twins…
I’m so sad for them and for you..
I wish you feel good now
I wish your Spirit is calm
we will always think of you
you will always be in our heart
we will miss you.
One of your last message :
I’ll get Ava and Eli.
They are the light in my life.
I love them so much.
We will continue to tell them the amount of love you had for them …
your passion for incredible music how rich it was .. amazing songs.. amazing taste ..
your great eye for photography..
your cool state of mind in a small « comité »
The way you wrote .. your creative mind ..
Your life was really hard and having the kids was your new goal… think a lot about you, we’ll be with them always….
I was at the show of roger waters the day we found you,
He was talking about « Covid time » and bars around his place where he have met strangers and realize how important to meet and exchange our feelings with others … when I think of you it’ s specially Elliott smith,
Between the bars ..
one of a song I will listen on your honor
with many others .. all the best music period of this millénaire that you loved so much ..
Have a wonderful trip in a special pink moon … Rest in peace mishael
I hold you tight tight
& I send you all what you need where you are xxx
Lieber Michael,
Du hast gemeinsam mit Morgane zwei wunderbaren kleinen Menschen das Leben geschenkt.. Auch wenn Dein Leben selbst viel zu kurz war, Du wirst immer in Ava und Eli weiterleben. Sie haben Dich unendlich geliebt.
Wir trauern mit und wünschen Morgane, Ava und Eli, dass sie Trost finden und die liebevollen Erinnerungen an Dich bleiben.
„Wenn man einen geliebten Menschen verliert,
gewinnt man einen Schutzengel dazu.“
Ruhe in Frieden Michael!
Michael, you were a kind soul. You loved music and words. You were soft and the world wasn’t always kind to you.
I remember how you liked to escape it for a while, when you had the occasion, alone or in good company. You knew very intimately the meaning of pain and this brought you some relief.
You were born in Tirol 40 years ago. You took pride in the culture you gained and the university degrees you obtained, despite the hardship you faced from a young age and onward.
We will continue reading your beautiful writing through the many articles you published in Austrian media and beyond as a journalist.
You patiently built such an incredible music collection, made of all the records that matter in the last 70 years, sometimes making silly financial decisions to continue feeding your collection.
You always spoke with pride of this legacy that you wish to pass on to our children.
With Ava and Eli, who came to this world 5 years ago, you spent hours singing, dancing, listening to the sounds, free spirited. I know they loved these moments, as you did.
You had the most profound love for Eli and Ava, and so did they for their Papa. You made them beautiful, sensitive and kind.
They will carry your everlasting love within them.
You will be remembered for your goodness, sometimes with sadness for a life too short lived, and often through a song that the wind will unexpectedly bring to our ears.
May you now rest in peace and pain free, Michael